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Close the Gaps in Your Smile

Whether you need to replace a single missing tooth, close an extensive gap or replace an entire arch of teeth, you can have a functional, dental implantsgreat-looking smile that will last for decades when you visit San Diego Dental Implant Center in San Diego, CA. Dental implants can remake your smile, self-confidence, and oral function.

What is a dental implant?

It's an artificial tooth which has a titanium root placed directly in the jaw bone. Dr. Joseph Yang uses these state-of-the-art prosthetics to close smile gaps caused by gum disease, oral trauma, dental abscess, or extensive decay. Tooth replacement avoids the deleterious effects of tooth loss--namely, bone and gum recession, compromised biting, chewing and speech, and aged facial appearance.

Attached to the titanium root are an extension post and porcelain crown. Over time, the implant itself bonds with the jaw bone through osseointegration. Only oral injury or an infection called peri-implantitis (similar to gum disease) can compromise this extraordinary bond.

Who can get dental implants?

Most adults and older teens can if they have sufficient bone in their jaws. While smokers may receive implants, the periodontist at San Diego Dental Implant Center strongly advise smoking cessation or at least, abstaining from tobacco for three to four days before implant placement.

Also, you can qualify even if you are missing several teeth. Dr. Yang offers All-on-4 teeth in a day. Permanently secured to four strategically placed dental implants, the All-on-4 denture provides an incredibly stable fit and feel so you are confident as your smile, laugh, eat and talk.

For partial tooth loss, we offer implant-secured bridges. Besides affording the strength and natural function which dental implants are known for, implant-secured bridges replace two or more teeth in a row, nicely filling those unsightly and dysfunctional gaps.

The process and aftercare

It starts with a complete oral exam, and X-rays. Then, your San Diego periodontist devises a treatment plan tailored to your specific preferences and oral health needs. Most implant procedures require simple local anesthesia, and all oral surgeries are performed in-office.

After you receive your prosthetics, you care for them just as you do your natural teeth:

  • Brush twice a day
  • Floss daily
  • Get six-month check-ups and cleanings

Find out more

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry maintains that three million Americans receive dental implants annually. Would you like to join with them in having a fully restored and beautiful smile? Why not contact the San Diego Dental Implant Center in San Diego, CA for a consultation with Dr. Joseph Yang? Call (858) 578-2205.